Privacy policy

All tools on are available for use free of charge. We provide access to various SEO and webmaster tools to assist individuals and companies in improving their online presence.

Copyright and Use of Materials

All content, logos, and trademarks displayed on are the property of their respective owners. Our website respects intellectual property laws and we expect our users to do the same.

Users may utilize our tools for their personal or corporate needs, but the tools themselves must not be copied or replicated without our explicit consent.

Linking Policy

External sites are permitted to link to provided they have their own distinct URL address. Systematic or professional use of our tools or content requires written consent from

Personal Data and Anonymity

We do not collect or store personal information of our users other than analytical information. Therefore, users remain anonymous while interacting with our site.

Cookies may use cookies to enhance user experience and improve our service offerings. Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s device. Users can adjust their browser settings to manage cookie preferences.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any significant changes will be communicated through an updated policy on our website. Users are encouraged to review this policy periodically to stay informed.

Contact Information

Should you have any inquiries or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, please reach out through the contact form available on or via the email address provided in the 'Contact Us' section.


By using, you consent to our Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any terms, please refrain from using our services.